Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Preschool, Pumpkin and Amazing Art

Today Mrs Wilson and I were not actually teaching so we didn't get to join in on all the fun you had today! But we were working close by and had a sneaky peek at some of the things you got up to. This morning the preschool came along for their first visit of Term 2. It is always so lovely to have you along preschoolers, thank you for coming! Today you got to see the GIANT pumpkin in our carpark! Sophie and her dad brought it along to show us after it won the festival in Little River. It is a massive 341 kg which we worked out was more than 3 Mr Ks!

Unfortunately we didn't have photos from this morning but here are a couple we took to show you how big it is!

This afternoon you did some fabulous art. Mrs Fowler and Mrs S showed you the work of Piet Mondrian. He does artworks made up of squares and rectangles, so you all did a great job of using your knowledge of shapes to help you create your own Mondrian pictures. These are looking fantastic so far - you'll have time to finish them tomorrow :)

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