What a cold and blustery week we have had! We loved watching the storm out the window on Thursday! Some of the children learnt how to make snowflakes by folding and cutting paper!
We have been practicing measuring length. We measured how far we could jump using our feet as the measuring "stick!" We measured around our head, wrist and ankle using paper. We measured things around the room using cubes!
On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have Stig the Story Teller visit. Stig was very entertaining and made everyone laugh. He even taught us all some new games - just ask us about a game called 'Sausages'.
Charlie was chosen to go up in front of the school and play a game with Stig.
If you are interested in a few parenting "Pearls of Wisdom", have a look at the following article!
Wow pikopiko what fun measuring things using different techniques. Welcome to the newest members of the pikopiko team. 🤗