Monday, 25 May 2015

Have you filled a bucket today?

Last week Constable Meg came back to see us she read us the story 'Have You Filled a Bucket Today'. It is all about being kind to others to fill their invisible bucket of happiness! This afternoon to follow up on this we brainstormed ideas about how to fill each other's buckets. We thought of things like using manners, smiling at people, helping friends out and using nice words. Then we each had our own bucket to decorate and write some ideas on. Great thinking Pikopiko! Let's all work hard on being awesome bucket fillers every day :)


  1. I love this idea of a bucket of happiness - Rune often asks me how full is my bucket and tells me about his, a great way to talk about feelings. He also loves to give me a hug to fill up my bucket more :) - Liz

  2. What a lovely idea, great work pikopiko!
    Ruth. (Ethan's mum)
