Tuesday, 30 June 2015

5000 Celebration!

Today was the big day! Earlier this term we looked at our growing number of pageviews on our blog and decided that when we got to the big 5000 we would have to have a celebration. And we made it! How exciting. Thank you so much to all of you who are viewing our blog and commenting on our posts. We look every morning and always love to see the pageviews grow and read comments from families.
To celebrate we baked a special 5000 cake together then ate it out in the sun with some popcorn! Yum!

A little note went home today about some special end of term hot chocolates this Thursday. They will be $2 each if you would like to buy one :)

Monday, 29 June 2015

Tall Learners and Maths Fun

Unfortunately I was not here on Friday so didn't get a blog post written, so first off a huge congratulations to our Pikopiko Tall Learners from last week! Well done Kayla and Bella for your motivation bands. You have both been putting a big effort into your learning recently and are being great independent readers and writers. Well done!
Congratulations also to Sofia who was our Tall Learner of the Term! Amazing work Sofia, you received a rainbow band for always showing all of our Tall Learner attributes. Keep up the awesome effort.

This afternoon we did some great maths activities after lunch. In the Forest we learned a new game called I Sea 10 which was a really fun way to practice some basic facts. There were also people doing number puzzles, counting games and maths on the iPads.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Junior Arts Interchange

For most of this term Pikopiko and Kowhai have been doing an Arts Interchange every Wednesday afternoon. The children have participated in Dance with Mrs Amyes, Drama with Whaea Sarah, Gymnastics with Mrs Wilson and Music with Ms Lennon. There are two rotations every Wednesday so everyone got to have 4 lessons in each subject. It has been a lot of fun and a great chance to get to know the other teachers and some other spaces around the school! Unfortunately this was our last session today but we have learnt lots!

Music in the multipurpose room:

Playing the blanket game!

Gymnastics up in the hall:

Drama games in Pikopiko:

Dance practice in Kowhai:

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

T for T-Shirts

Our letter of the week is T this week and the Ocean are actually reading a big book all about T-shirts. So to get stuck into some art this afternoon we decided to decorate our own T-shirt. We used felts to colour the background then we added a whole variety of materials on top to create a beautiful collage. All the T-shirts are really unique and everyone put in a super effort. They are all hanging on the line in Pikopiko now! Awesome!

Monday, 22 June 2015

Matariki Weaving

We continued our Matariki theme this afternoon with some weaving mats. Cloaks like the one we made last week are often made by weaving so we had a go at doing some of our own. It was quite tricky going over and under but everyone did very well :) Have a look on the wall to see some of our efforts!