Tuesday, 16 June 2015


It is currently the time of Matariki and we spent this afternoon learning a little bit about this special time of year and what it means. We discovered the constellation in the sky and heard a story about how those stars came to be there. We sang a lovely Matariki waiata as well.
We learnt how feather cloaks are often an important part of Matariki celebrations. We decided to make one of our own to celebrate ourselves as a team and represent everything that is special about us. Each child got their own feather to decorate. We all thought hard about our favourite colours and what things in our lives were important to us. We then put them all together in a Pikopiko cloak that is unique to us and shows everything that is special about our team!

Be sure to come and check out the gorgeous cloak on the wall. We had a few friends away sick today but don't worry - we've got a feather here for you to do when you're back! :)


  1. Taylor was really proud of his coloured feather he did today and being part of the Pikopiko cloak. Well done Pikopiko on making an amazing feathered cloak special to just your class.

  2. What an impressive looking feather cloak Piko Piko!!! Well done. :) Carrie (Bella S Mum)
