Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Junior Inquiry Celebration

What a fabulous afternoon we had today! Thank you so much to all the parents, grandparents, families and friends who came along to share our learning with us. We started in the hall and sang together with Kowhai, and performed our special poem The Sound Collector. Then we came back to Pikopiko to show our families our wonderful movies. Once we had watched those, everyone headed out into the sunshine to play some old fashioned games like marbles, hula hoops and hopscotch. We all had a lot of fun! Thank you for your support it was great to see everybody there.

A snippet of our beautiful singing:


  1. Yasmin loved to do the haka for all the people that came today.

  2. What a lovely afternoon pikopiko. Congratulations on all your hard work about the olden days.
