Monday, 31 August 2015

A Variety of Vs

Our new letter of the week is V! We thought of words like volcano, violin, violet and vegetables. 
For our must do in reading time some of the children made a Viking helmet! Looking good guys, some scary viking faces there :) 

We also did some more v-v-videoing this afternoon for our Living in the Past inquiries. We were so proud of the way you all worked together in your small groups. Great discussions and awesome work filming and talking on camera.

Seth worked with his family at the weekend to make up some awesome lists of 'V' words. They also wrote some short stories with lots of 'v' words which were very impressive. Try repeating the following sentences;

When the volcano erupted, the velociraptors vaulted over the river of lava.

The vultures circled above the vapour looking for vermin to eat.

The villainous vikings are sailing their longship vessel on a voyage,
They are tired of their vicious and violent ways and want to grow vegetables and vines on farms.

Friday, 28 August 2015

The Pikopiko Afternoon Tea

This afternoon we held an afternoon tea for Pikopiko. We have new children and families joining our team all the time so we thought it would be a good opportunity for everybody to get to know each other. We had a great turnout - thank you so much everybody for coming along! To start with the children sang two of their favourite songs - Count on Me and Hickory Dickory Dock. Well done guys you did a wonderful performance :) Then we headed outside for ice blocks and coffees and the adults all had a chance to mingle and chat. We had a lovely time, and hope you all enjoyed the afternoon as well :)

Yummy Yoghurt!

Our letter focus this week has been 'Yy' and we enjoyed making yoghurt as part of our learning. We made Fruits of the Forest yoghurt in Mrs Fowler's Easi-Yo maker and all did the taste test this morning on the verandah. Just about everyone thought it was delicious.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

All Sorts Of Interesting Talks

Our oral language prepared talks have been extremely interesting and we have been learning about a wide range of things through the speakers on Thursdays and Fridays. It's great to see that so many children have thought about what they would like to talk about and have come with a special prop or two to help generate discussion. Today we had people sharing the following things...

A Dad's old scout jersey and a Kea's shirt belonging to a Pikopiko boy

A special fairy jar made of little treasures that had been carefully put together

A doll in a cane basket that was about 100 years old

A fantastic piece of art work depicting a one-eyed monster

An old slate board that we got to try writing on

A very old teddy bear that belonged to a Pikopiko Grandad

A special little doll that was made from a clothes peg

Keep checking the dates of the timetable for when you need to be ready to give your next prepared talk. It is fantastic to be learning so much from each other.

Also a heads up that next Wednesday 2nd September is a PYJAMA DAY for Pikopiko and Kowhai kids!!!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Cricket comes to HVS

Today we were visited by some fantastic cricket coaches who spent time teaching Pikopiko the basic skills of the game. We practiced throwing, catching and batting and we all had a whole lot of fun. They told us about Have-A-Go Cricket which is played at the Heathcote Cricket Club on Friday nights over the summer months. You can start this from 5 years and up so if anyone is interested please look out for the flyer with information that will be in children's reading folders tonight.