You can also access Lexia at home. This is not compulsory at all but is a fun and educational thing they can do if you have a computer or ipad.
Follow these instructions if you would like to use it on a computer:
To get into Lexia at home you can go to this address
Then click that you are a parent, and it will just ask for your teacher email. So type my address in ( then you’re good to go.
If you would prefer to download the software (rather than just do it online), go to this address and click downloads in the top left corner. Just make sure you download Core5 rather than the original Lexia.
Follow these instructions if you would like to use it on an ipad:
You will need to download the Lexia Core5 app for free from the app store. The first time you open the app it will ask if you are a parent or educator. Click parent, then you will need a teacher email address for verification. Enter my address ( and you should be ready to go. You only need to do this verification step once.
Your child's login is the same whether you use the computer or ipad. For most children it will be just their first name as both the username and password. However if there are other children in the school with the same name, they might have their first name with the first letter of their last name. Please feel free to come and check with me if you are unsure of login details.
As part of our oral language programme we are learning a poem that we are hoping to perform all together later in the term! We learnt a new verse today. Here are the words - have a practice at home!
The whistling of the kettle
The turning of the lock
The purring of the kitten
The ticking of the clock - tick tock!
Don't forget that this Friday is a dress up day for Book Week. You can come as any book character you like, or you can dress for the Under the Sea theme. We can't wait to see all your costumes!
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